We describe the protections offered for each of the broad categories of anonymity. In Table 1, we provide an overview view of Free Haven and the different publishing systems which we examined. We consider the level of privacy provided - computational (C), information-theoretic (I-T), and perfect-forward (P-F) anonymity - by the various systems.
Computational anonymity means that an adversary modelled as a polynomial-time
Turing Machine has no better than a
chance of breaking anonymity, for
some reasonable security parameter k and negliglible function neg(k). Information-theoretic is the same, except
with no computational restrictions on the adversary. Perfect forward anonymity is analogous to perfect forward secrecy : a system is perfect forward anonymous if no information remains
after a transaction is complete which could later identify the participants if
one side or the other is compromised.
For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume that the anonymous channel used by Free Haven is only computationally secure. An ``ideal mix'', in contrast, would be a perfectly anonymous channel which resists any attack we of which we could think, including those by a computationally unbound adversary. All anonymous channels are assumed to keep no records of communication.
Free Haven provides computational and perfect forward author anonymity, because authors communicate to publishers via an anonymous channel. Servers trade to other servers via pseudonyms, providing computational but not perfect forward anonymity, as the pseudonyms can be broken later. Because trading is constant, however, Free Haven acheives publisher anonymity for publishers trying to trade away all shares of the same document. The use of IDA to split documents provides isolated-server document anonymity, but the public key embedded in each share (which we require for authenticating buddy messages) makes it trivial for connected servers to discover what they are storing. Because requests are broadcast via an anonymous channel, Free Haven provides computational reader anonymity, and different reply blocks used and then destroyed after each request provide perfect forward anonymity.
Gnutella fails to provide publisher-anonymity, reader-anonymity, or server-anonymity because of the peer-to-peer connections for actual file transfer. Because Gnutella servers start out knowing the intended contents of the document they are offering, they also fail to provide document-anonymity.
Eternity Usenet provides publisher anonymity via the use of one-way anonymous remailers. Server anonymity is not provided, because every Usenet server which carries the eternity newsgroup is a server. Back has pointed out that isolated-server document anonymity can be provided by encrypting files with a key derived from the URL; connected servers might find the key and attempt to decrypt stored documents. Reader anonymity is not provided by open public proxies unless the reader uses an anonymous channel because the proxy can see what a user queries, downloads, and at what time. For local proxies, which connect to a separate news server, however, the situation is better because the news server knows only what the user downloads. Even so, this is not quite satisfactory, because the user can be tied by the server to the contents of the eternity newsgroup at a certain time.
Freenet achieves isolated-server document-anonymity because servers are unable to reverse the hash of the document name to determine the key with which to decrypt the document. For connected-server document anonymity, the servers can check whether they are carrying a particular key, but cannot easily match a stored document to a key due to the hash function. Server-anonymity is not provided because given a document key, it is very easy to locate a server that is carrying that document - querying any server at all will result in that server carrying the document! Because of the TTL and Hops fields for both reading and publishing, it is also not clear that Freenet achieves publisher- or reader-anonymity, although they are much better in these regards than Gnutella.
Publius achieves document-anonymity because the key is split between the n servers, and without sufficient shares of the key a server is unable to decrypt the document that is stores. The secret sharing algorithm provides a stronger form of this anonymity (albeit in a storage-intensive manner), since an isolated server really can learn nothing at all about the contents of a document that it is helping to store. Because documents are published to Publius through a one-way anonymous remailer, it provides publisher-anonymity. Publius provides no support for protecting readers by itself, however, and the servers containing a given file are clearly marked in the URL used for retrieving that file. Readers can use a system such as ZKS Freedom or Onion Routing, to protect themselves, but servers may still be liable for storing ``bad'' data.
We see that systems can often provide publisher anonymity via one-way communication channels, effectively removing any linkability; removing the need for a reply pseudonym on the anonymous channel means that there is ``nothing to crack''. The last line in this table is important to note. While it implies that Free Haven achieves anonymity in many areas, this is misleading: the ideal anonymous channel is actually providing the first nine aspects of anonymity. Assuming a robust ideal anonymous channel, there would be no linkability between transactions, and mere computational ability on the part of the adversary would be insufficient to identify the parties in a transaction.
This would mean that we could leave most of the anonymity to the communication channel itself, and provide a simple back-end file system or equivalent service to transfer documents between agents. Thus the design of the back-end system could be based primarily on addressing other issues such as availability of documents, protections against flooding and denial of service attacks, and accountability in the face of this anonymity.